fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
Kal = require './kal'
This module defines the command line kal
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
Kal = require './kal'
Some messages are written to stderr
in this module.
function warn(line)
process.stderr.write line + '\n'
This utility function checks if a file is “hidden” by the operating system.
function hidden(file)
/^\.|~$/.test file
parses the command line switches.
function parseOptions()
options = {}
for arg in process.argv
if arg[0] is '-' and arg[1] isnt '-'
options.help = yes if 'h' in arg
options.tokens = yes if 't' in arg
options.javascript = yes if 'j' in arg
options.bare = yes if 'b' in arg
options.version = yes if 'v' in arg
options.minify = yes if 'm' in arg
else if arg[0] is '-' and arg[1] is '-'
options.help = yes if arg is '--help'
options.tokens = yes if arg is '--tokens'
options.javascript = yes if arg is '--javascript'
options.bare = yes if arg is '--bare'
options.version = yes if arg is '--version'
options.minify = yes if arg is '--minify'
The -o
option has an argument (the output directory).
if '-o' in process.argv
index = process.argv.indexOf '-o'
else if '--output' in process.argv
index = process.argv.indexOf '--output'
options.output = process.argv[index + 1] if index isnt -1
The remaining arguments are assumed to be input file names. We loop through the array and ignore switches and the output directory (if any).
inputs = []
for arg in process.argv.slice(2)
if arg[0] is '-' or arg is options.output
Set the help flag if the user passed input files (or extra arguments) that were followed by other switches like kal -o output_dir some_file -j
. This is considered invalid.
options.help = yes if inputs.length isnt 0
inputs = []
Otherwise, add the argument to the list of input files.
inputs.push arg
options._ = inputs
return options
is used to retain compatibility between node.js versions.
existsSync = fs.existsSync or path.existsSync
function run()
Parse the command line options and print the version/usage if necessary.
options = parseOptions()
return version() if options.version
return usage() if options.help
Check the output path (if specified) and make sure it is valid.
if options.output exists and not existsSync(options.output)
warn('output path does not exist!')
return usage()
If no input files are specified, start the interactive shell.
return require('./interactive') if options._.length is 0
Let scripts know we are running in kal
not node
process.argv[0] = 'kal'
process.execPath = require.main.filename
Construct the compile_options
argument for Kal.compile
or Kal.eval
compile_options =
show_tokens: options.tokens
bare: options.bare
show_js: options.javascript
If an output argument was specified, we are writing JavaScript files to an output directory.
if options.output exists
Attempt to load uglify-js
if the user wants to minify files. This is not listed as a dependency so the user needs it installed globally or manually.
require('uglify-js') if options.minify
warn 'error: uglify-js must be installed to use the --minify option'
If the user just specified one directory, assume they just want all the files in it. Compile the list of files with the given options.
if options._.length is 1 and fs.statSync(options._[0]).isDirectory()
files = [path.join(options._[0],file) for file in fs.readdirSync(options._[0])]
compile_files files, options.output, compile_options, options.minify
compile_files options._, options.output, compile_options, options.minify
If no output was specified, just run the script using eval
for filename in options._
compile_options.literate = path.extname(filename) in ['.litkal', '.md']
Kal.eval fs.readFileSync(filename), compile_options
The scripts/kal
loader calls this entry point.
exports.run = run
This function recursively compiles a list of files/directories into output_dir
function compile_files(filenames, output_dir, options, minify)
for filename in filenames
stat = fs.statSync filename
If this file is a directory, get a list of files in the directory and call this function recursively.
if stat.isDirectory()
new_outdir = path.join(output_dir, path.basename(filename))
fs.mkdirSync new_outdir, stat.mode
subfiles = [path.join(filename, child) for child in fs.readdirSync(filename)]
compile_files subfiles, new_outdir, options, minify
For .kal
, .litkal
, and .md
(literate Kal assumed) files, set up the options structure and call Kal.compile
else if path.extname(filename) in ['.kal', '.litkal', '.md']
extension = path.extname(filename)
Check if this is Literate code.
options.literate = extension in ['.litkal', '.md']
Compile the source.
js_output = Kal.compile fs.readFileSync(filename), options
Minify if requested. We've already checked that uglify-js
is installed at this point.
if minify
js_output = require('uglify-js').minify(js_output, {fromString:yes,mangle:no}).code
Print out the JavaScript if the debug option was passed in.
print js_output if options.show_js
Write the output to the output directory with a .js
js_filename = path.join(output_dir, path.basename(filename, extension)) + '.js'
fs.writeFileSync js_filename, js_output
Returns the Kal version when for the -v
function version()
print "Kal version #{Kal.VERSION}"
Help options or invalid input will cause this message to print to the screen.
function usage()
print "Usage: kal [options] SOURCE [-o OUTPUT_DIR]"
print ""
print "If called without the -o option, `kal` will run SOURCE."
print "If called without any options, `kal` will start an interactive session."
print ""
print ""
print "Options:"
print " --help, -h show the command line usage options [boolean]"
print " --tokens, -t print out the tokens that the lexer/sugarer produce [boolean]"
print " --javascript, -j print out the compiled javascript [boolean]"
print " --bare, -b don't wrap the output in a function [boolean]"
print " --version, -v display the version number [boolean]"
print " --output, -o the output directory for the compiled source"
print " --minify minify the output (requires uglify-js) [boolean]"