stdin = process.openStdin()
stdout = process.stdout
The interactive shell is a read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) that compiles one line to Javascript and executes it, displaying the result to the user.
Most of this was lovingly stolen from CoffeeScript.
The REPL starts by opening up stdin
and stdout
stdin = process.openStdin()
stdout = process.stdout
The Kal compiler and the built-in node utilities are also used, including util.inspect
for displaying pretty values of objects. Kal keywords are used to help autocomplete.
Kal = require './kal'
readline = require 'readline'
util = require 'util'
inspect = util.inspect
vm = require 'vm'
Script = vm.Script
Module = require 'module'
KAL_KEYWORDS = require('./grammar').KEYWORDS
The prompt is five characters (with a space) and defaults to kal>
. We tried to enable color output if the OS/shell supports it. We don‘t bother on Windows since it won’t work with normal escape codes anyway.
REPL_PROMPT = 'kal> '
enableColors = no
unless process.platform is 'win32'
enableColors = not process.env.NODE_DISABLE_COLORS
The error function will print the stack trace if it is available.
function error(err)
stdout.write err.stack or err.toString()
stdout.write '\n'
These regexes match complete-able bits of text.
ACCESSOR = /\s*([\w\.]+)(?:\.(\w*))$/
SIMPLEVAR = /(\w+)$/i
The autocomplete
function returns a list of completions, and the completed text.
function autocomplete (text)
return completeAttribute(text) or completeVariable(text) or [[], text]
attempts to autocomplete a chained dotted attribute: one.two.three
function completeAttribute(text)
match = text.match ACCESSOR
if match
all = match[0]
obj = match[1]
prefix = match[2]
If the object doesn't exist (or running it causes an error), we abort autocomplete.
obj = Script.runInThisContext obj
catch e
return when obj doesnt exist
Otherwise we get property names and return them as a list, avoiding duplicates.
obj = Object(obj)
candidates = Object.getOwnPropertyNames obj
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf obj
while obj
for key in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)
candidates.push key unless key in candidates
obj = Object.getPrototypeOf obj
completions = getCompletions prefix, candidates
return [completions, prefix]
attempts to autocomplete an in-scope free variable like one
function completeVariable (text)
free = text.match(SIMPLEVAR)?[1]
free = "" if text is ""
Get a list of variables by running getOwnPropertyNames
on this
if free exists
vars = Script.runInThisContext 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object(this))'
keywords = []
Include keywords as possible matches unless they start with __
keywords.push r when r.slice(0,2) isnt '__'
candidates = vars
for key in keywords
candidates.push key when not (key in candidates)
completions = getCompletions free, candidates
return [completions, free]
returns elements of candidates for which prefix
is a prefix.
function getCompletions(prefix, candidates)
rv = []
for el in candidates
rv.push el when 0 is el.indexOf prefix
return rv
Make sure that uncaught exceptions don't kill the REPL.
process.on('uncaughtException', error)
The current backlog of multi-line code.
backlog = ''
The current sandbox. We run in the current scope because certain globals (like Array) are not identical in a sandbox. For example, [1,2] instanceof Array would be false in a sandbox.
sandbox = global
The main REPL function, run, is called every time a line of code is entered. We attempt to evaluate the command. If there's an exception, we print it out instead of exiting.
function run(buffer)
Remove single-line comments
buffer = buffer.replace /(^|[\r\n]+)(\s*)##?(?:[^#\r\n][^\r\n]*|)($|[\r\n])/, "$1$2$3"
Remove trailing newlines.
buffer = buffer.replace /[\r\n]+$/, ""
If we are in multiline mode, just add text to the backlog.
if multilineMode
backlog += "#{buffer}\n"
If there was nothing entered, don't bother to evaluate it - just print a new prompt.
if buffer.toString().trim() is "" and backlog is ""
Otherwise, update the backlog.
backlog += buffer
code = backlog
Check for a line continuation character and give another prompt line if one was found.
if code[code.length - 1] is '\\'
backlog = "#{backlog.slice(0,-1)}\n"
If we made it this far, we are ready to execute code
. Reset the prompt and backlog then make the sandbox.
repl.setPrompt REPL_PROMPT
backlog = ""
We keep the same sandbox between runs, so only create it if it doesn't exist.
sandbox = Kal.makeSandbox() unless sandbox exists
Run the code and print the output (using util.inspect
) or error trace.
_ = global._
returnValue = Kal.eval(code, {filename: 'repl', modulename: 'repl', bare:yes, sandbox:sandbox})
if returnValue is undefined
global._ = _
repl.output.write "#{inspect(returnValue, no, 2, enableColors)}\n"
catch err
error err
Set up stdin
if stdin.readable and stdin.isRaw
Handle piped input.
pipedInput = ''
repl = {}
repl.prompt = ->
stdout.write me._prompt
repl.setPrompt = (p) ->
me._prompt = p
repl.input = stdin
repl.output = stdout
repl.on = ->
stdin.on 'data', (chunk) ->
pipedInput += chunk
nlre = /\n/
return unless nlre.test pipedInput
lines = pipedInput.split "\n"
pipedInput = lines[lines.length - 1]
for line in lines.slice(1,-1)
if line
stdout.write "#{line}\n"
run line, sandbox
stdin.on 'end', ->
for line in pipedInput.trim().split("\n")
if line
stdout.write "#{line}\n"
run line, sandbox
stdout.write "\n"
Handle user input using autocomplete and a read buffer.
if readline.createInterface.length < 3
repl = readline.createInterface stdin, autocomplete
stdin.on 'data', (buffer) ->
repl.write buffer
repl = readline.createInterface stdin, stdout, autocomplete
Default multiline mode to off.
multilineMode = off
Handle the multi-line mode key switch (Ctrl-V).
repl.input.on 'keypress', (char, key) ->
return unless key and key.ctrl and not key.meta and not key.shift and is 'v'
cursorPos = repl.cursor
repl.output.cursorTo 0
repl.output.clearLine 1
multilineMode = not multilineMode
repl._line() if not multilineMode and backlog
backlog = ''
Switch the prompt and reset the cursor to the next line.
newPrompt = REPL_PROMPT_MULTILINE when multilineMode otherwise REPL_PROMPT
repl.setPrompt newPrompt
repl.cursor = cursorPos
repl.output.cursorTo newPrompt.length + (repl.cursor)
Handle Ctrl-d press at end of last line in multiline mode
repl.input.on 'keypress', (char, key) ->
return unless multilineMode and repl.line
return unless key and key.ctrl and not key.meta and not key.shift and is 'd'
multilineMode = off
Watch for Ctrl-C and handle it gracefully if we are in the midle of a multiline entry.
repl.on 'attemptClose', ->
if multilineMode
multilineMode = off
repl.output.cursorTo 0
repl.output.clearLine 1
repl._onLine repl.line
if backlog or repl.line
backlog = ''
repl.historyIndex = -1
repl.setPrompt REPL_PROMPT
repl.output.write '\n(^C again to quit)'
repl.line = ''
repl._line (repl.line)
Cleanup on close.
repl.on 'close', ->
repl.output.write '\n'
Run run
when a line is entered.
repl.on 'line', run
Start with the default prompt and go.
repl.setPrompt REPL_PROMPT