ast = require './ast'
ASTBase = ast.ASTBase
This file defines the parser grammar in the form of abstract syntax tree classes that inherit from ASTBase
. Each class implements a parse
method which, given the token stream, attempts to parse the stream as a particular language construct.
The end result of a call to parse
is a tree of objects representing a language construct or an error if the particular class could not parse the token stream.
The ast
module defines the base class for these grammar definitions along with utility methods to recursively create subtrees using these classes.
ast = require './ast'
ASTBase = ast.ASTBase
Reserved words are used to determine whether assignments are valid (for example, you cannot assign a value to if
). They are also used by other files for REPL autocompletion and by the sugar
module to determine where to insert implicit parentheses.
Words that are reserved in Kal and cannot be used for identifiers
KAL_RESERVED = ['true','false','yes','no','on','off','function','method',
Words that are reserved in Kal but can be used as r-values
KAL_RVALUE_OK = ['true','false','yes','no','on','off','me','this','super',
JavaScript reserved words
Note label
is not included because it can technically be used as an identifier (and it's more useful as a variable name than for its intended purpose). undefined
, while technically assignable, is included here to avoid confusion and terribleness.
JS_RESERVED = ['break','case','catch','continue','debugger','default',
JavaScript words that are reserved but usable as rvalues. In the future super
may get added to this list depending on the ES6 spec.
JS_RVALUE_OK = ['this','null','true','false','undefined']
JavaScript keywords are considered reserved in Kal. It's OK if these lists have some duplicates.
Other modules use these values as well, such as the sugar
module which checks for reserved words when generating implicit parentheses.
A code block (Block
) is defined as a newline + indent followed by zero or more Statment
s, then a dedent. In practice it is impossible to have an indent followed immediately by a dedent, so technically this class requires one or more Statment
class Block inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req 'NEWLINE'
me.req 'INDENT'
me.statements = []
while not me.opt('DEDENT')
me.statements.push me.req Statement
File: Statement* EOF
The File
node shares some code generation with Block
, so it is a subclass of Block
. It is defined as zero or more statements followed by the end-of-file token.
class File inherits from Block
method parse()
me.statements = []
while not me.opt('EOF')
me.statements.push me.req Statement
`BlockWithoutIndent: NEWLINE Statement* (?=DEDENT|EOF)
is the same as a block (it shares generator code) but it does not require an indent. This is used for wait for
statements to separate code after asynchronous calls into its own block.
class BlockWithoutIndent inherits from Block
method parse()
me.req 'NEWLINE'
me.statements = []
while not me.opt('DEDENT', 'EOF')
me.statements.push me.req Statement
Unsee the dedent (don't consume it) since it belongs to our parent block.
Statement: (BlankStatement|TryCatch|ClassDefinition|ReturnStatement|WaitForStatement|SimpleWaitForStatement|PauseForStatement|IfStatement|WhileStatement|ForStatement|ThrowStatement|SuperStatement|RunInParallelBlock|LoopControlStatement|AssignmentStatement|ExpressionStatement)
The Statement
node is a generic wrapper for the many types of statment/control constructs that are valid inside a block. Keeping these in one class helps keep the code maintainable when we add new node types.
The order in the me.req
call is important here for two reasons. One, we want to keep the compiler fast by keeping commonly used constructs first if possible. This avoids unnecessary parsing steps. More importantly, things like ExpressionStatement
need to go last because some AssignmentStatement
s and other constructs can parse as valid ExpressionStatement
class Statement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.statement = me.req BlankStatement, TryCatch, ClassDefinition, ReturnStatement, WaitForStatement, SimpleWaitForStatement, PauseForStatement, IfStatement, WhileStatement, ForStatement, ThrowStatement, SuperStatement, RunInParallelBlock, LoopControlStatement, AssignmentStatement, ExpressionStatement
class LoopControlStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.control = me.req_val 'break', 'continue'
ThrowStatement: ('throw'|'raise'|('fail' 'with')) Expression WhenExpression?
This handles throw
and its synonyms followed by an expression and an optional tail conditional.
class ThrowStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
specifier = me.req_val 'throw', 'raise', 'fail'
At this point we lock because it is definitely a throw
statement. Failure to parse the expression is a syntax error.
me.req_val 'with' if specifier.value is 'fail'
me.expr = me.req Expression
We also need to check for tail conditionals (throw "help" if error
me.conditional = me.expr.transform_when_statement()
ReturnStatement: 'return' (Expression [',' Expression]*) WhenExpression?
This handles simple return
s, return value
s, and returns with multiple return values.
class ReturnStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'return'
Definitely a return statement at this point.
Check for a conditional here in case there is no return value (for example return if a is 2
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression
Returns can have multiple return values, so we keep grabbing expressions followed by commas.
me.exprs = []
except when me.conditional exists
expr = me.opt Expression
if expr exists
me.exprs.push expr
while me.opt_val ','
expr = me.req Expression
me.exprs.push expr
Check again for a conditional after the expression (return a if a isnt 2
me.conditional = expr.transform_when_statement() if expr exists
IfStatement: ('if'|'when'|'unless'|('except' 'when') Expression Block ElseStatement*
Parses if
statments and any attached else
s or else if
s (including synonyms).
class IfStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.condition = me.req_val 'if', 'unless', 'when', 'except'
me.req_val('when') if me.condition.value is 'except'
me.conditional = me.req Expression
me.block = me.req Block, Statement
If statements can have multiple else if
s, but nothing after the final else
me.elses = []
keep_going = yes
got_raw_else = no
while keep_going
new_else = me.opt ElseStatement
if new_else doesnt exist
keep_going = no
me.elses.push new_else
if new_else.conditional doesnt exist
keep_going = no
ElseStatement: ('else'|'otherwise') (('if'|'when') Expression) Block
This covers else
and else if
class ElseStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'else', 'otherwise'
if me.opt_val 'if', 'when'
me.conditional = me.req Expression
me.block = me.req Block, Statement
WhileStatement: ('while'|'until') Expression Block
While loops continue executing until the expression is true (or false in the case of until
class WhileStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.specifier = me.req_val 'while', 'until'
me.expr = me.req Expression
me.block = me.req Block
ForStatement: 'for' ('parallel'|'series')? Variable ('in'|'of') Expression Block
For loops can iterate over object properties (of
) or over an array (in
). The parallel
and series
specifiers only apply if there are asynchronous constructs within the loop (the default is series
class ForStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'for'
me.execution_style = me.opt_val 'parallel', 'series'
me.iterant = me.req Variable
me.type = me.req_val 'in', 'of'
me.iterable = me.req Expression
me.loop_block = me.req Block
AssignmentStatement: UnaryExpression ('+'|'-'|'*'|'/')? '=' Expression WhenExpression?
Note that the UnaryExpression
must be a valid l-value.
class AssignmentStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.lvalue = me.req UnaryExpression
We mark this UnaryExpression
as a possible l-value for later checks.
me.lvalue.can_be_lvalue = yes
me.assignOp = me.req 'LITERAL'
me.error("invalid operator #{me.assignOp.value}") except when me.assignOp.value in ['+','-','*','/','=']
if me.assignOp.value isnt '='
me.req_val '='
Now check that lvalue
is indeed a valid l-value.
me.error("invalid assignment - the left side must be assignable") unless me.lvalue.is_lvalue()
me.rvalue = me.req Expression
me.conditional = me.rvalue.transform_when_statement()
WaitForStatement: 'safe'? 'wait' 'for' MultipleReturnValues 'from' Expression WhenExpression? BlockWithoutIndent
The wait for
statement pauses execution asynchronously and waits for the Expression
to call back. Note that the Expression
must be a function call. A WaitForStatement
can optionally be marked safe
indicating the expression does not use an error callback argument (like node's http.get
class WaitForStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.no_errors = me.opt_val 'safe'
me.req_val 'wait'
me.req_val 'for'
me.lvalue = me.req MultipleReturnValues
Mark the return values as possible l-values.
me.lvalue.can_be_lvalue = yes
me.req_val 'from'
Verify all return values are valid l-values.
me.error("invalid assignment - the left side must be assignable") unless me.lvalue.is_lvalue()
me.rvalue = me.req UnaryExpression
Check for tail conditionals
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression
Verify that rvalue
is a function call.
last_accessor = me.rvalue.accessors[me.rvalue.accessors.length - 1]
me.error("expected a function call after 'from'") unless last_accessor instanceof FunctionCall
me.block = me.req BlockWithoutIndent
SimpleWaitForStatement: 'safe'? 'wait' 'for' Expression WhenExpression? BlockWithoutIndent
The same as a WaitForStatement
but without any return values.
class SimpleWaitForStatement inherits from WaitForStatement
method parse()
me.no_errors = me.opt_val 'safe'
me.req_val 'wait'
me.req_val 'for'
No l-value for this type of wait for
me.lvalue = null
me.rvalue = me.req UnaryExpression
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression
last_accessor = me.rvalue.accessors[me.rvalue.accessors.length - 1]
me.error("expected a function call after 'for'") unless last_accessor instanceof FunctionCall
me.block = me.req BlockWithoutIndent
`WaitForExpression: ‘safe’? (‘wait’ ‘for’)? MultipleReturnValues? ‘from’ UnaryExpression WhenExpression?
This is similar to a WaitForStatement except that it is called as part of a RunInParallelBlock
and does not contain a BlockWithoutIndent
class WaitForExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.no_errors = me.opt_val 'safe'
me.lock() if me.no_errors
explicit = me.opt_val 'wait'
me.lock() if me.explicit
me.req_val 'for' if explicit
me.lvalue = me.opt MultipleReturnValues
me.req_val 'from' if me.lvalue exists
me.rvalue = me.req UnaryExpression
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression
last_accessor = me.rvalue.accessors[me.rvalue.accessors.length - 1]
me.error("expected a function call after 'for'") unless last_accessor instanceof FunctionCall
me.req 'NEWLINE'
PauseForStatement: 'pause' 'for' Expression ('second'|'seconds')? WhenExpression?
s asynchronously pause execution for the specified time interval. The suffix second
or seconds
is optional and just for readability.
class PauseForStatement inherits from WaitForStatement
method parse()
me.req_val 'pause'
me.req_val 'for'
me.tvalue = me.req Expression
me.opt_val 'second', 'seconds'
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression
me.block = me.req BlockWithoutIndent
RunInParallelBlock: 'run' 'in'? 'parallel' NEWLINE INDENT WaitForExpression* DEDENT
The RunInParallelBlock
specifies a set of WaitForExpression
s to kick off in parallel, delaying execution until all are complete. Only WaitForExpression
s are allowed in the block.
class RunInParallelBlock inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'run'
me.opt_val 'in'
me.req_val 'parallel'
me.req 'NEWLINE'
me.req 'INDENT'
me.wait_fors = me.req_multi WaitForExpression
me.req 'DEDENT'
MultipleReturnValues: '('? UnaryExpression (',' UnaryExpression)* ')'?
This class is used in wait for
expressions to specify a list of return values, such as wait for x, y from f()
. Enclosing parentheses (wait for (x, y) from f()
) are optional and must come as a pair.
class MultipleReturnValues inherits from ASTBase
method is_lvalue()
for arg in me.arguments
return no unless arg.is_lvalue()
return yes
method parse()
left_paren = me.opt_val '('
me.arguments = []
t = {value:','}
while t.value is ','
arg = me.req UnaryExpression
arg.can_be_lvalue = yes
me.arguments.push arg
if left_paren
t = me.req_val ')', ','
t = me.req_val 'from', ','
me.req_val ')' if left_paren
ExpressionStatement: Expression
s are statements that are simply an r-value expression (no assignment or control operators). This is most commonly used for function calls (my_func()
is a valid statement), though technically things like x
are also valid statments.
class ExpressionStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.expr = me.req Expression
BlankStatement: ('pass' NEWLINE|EOF)|NEWLINE
s are used to fill in when there are extra newlines or bare function definitions. A blank statement does not generate any output code and has no semantic significance.
class BlankStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
if me.opt_val 'pass'
me.req 'NEWLINE', 'EOF'
me.req 'NEWLINE'
works like an IDENTIFIER
token except that it also checks to see if the token is a reserved word.
class Variable inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.identifier = me.req 'IDENTIFIER'
We copy the value
property over so that Variable
objects can be drop-in replacements for IDENTIFIER
me.value = me.identifier.value
me.error "'#{me.value}' is reserved and can't be used as a name" when me.value in KEYWORDS
BinOp: ('bitwise'? 'and'|'or'|'xor'|'left'|'right'|'not')|('not' 'in'|'of')|('+'|'-'|'*'|'/'|'>'|'<'|'^'|'<='|'>='|'=='|'!='|'and'|'but'|'or'|'xor'|'nor'|'in'|'mod'|'is'|'isnt'|'instanceof'|'of')
Binary operators can include bitwise operations, the in
or of
collection checks, or standard Boolean and arithmetic operators.
class BinOp inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
Some operations (in
and of
) can be inverted using the not
me.invert = no
Bitwise operators have the bitwise
me.bitwise = me.opt_val 'bitwise'
me.op = me.req 'IDENTIFIER', 'LITERAL'
A bitwise
prefix indicates this is definitely a BinOp
me.lock() if me.bitwise
Literals are limited to the list of valid arithmetic and Boolean operators above.
if me.op.type is 'LITERAL'
First we need to fail softly on certain tokens that are not necessarily syntax errors, like closing parens. For example x[a]
would try to parse for a BinOp
after a
, so it must fail cleanly in this case. Note that if me.bitwise
was set, we are already locked, so this would be a “hard” syntax error as expected.
me.error("unexpected operator #{this.op.value}") if me.op.value in [')',']','}',';',':',','] or me.bitwise
Now we do a “hard” check to make sure the operator is in the acceptabled list.
me.error("unexpected operator #{this.op.value}") unless me.op.value in ['+','-','*','/','>','<','^','<=','>=','==','!=']
tokens, we also check the token against the acceptable list.
First we need to check if we got a not
token. In this case we just set the invert
flag and check that the next token is in
or of
if me.op.value is 'not'
me.op = me.req_val 'in', 'of'
me.invert = yes
Bitwise operators are limited to a smaller list.
if me.bitwise
me.error("unexpected operator #{this.op.value}") unless me.op.value in ['and','or','xor','left','right']
me.error("unexpected operator #{this.op.value}") unless me.op.value in ['and','but','or','xor','nor','in','mod','is','isnt','instanceof','of']
Expression: UnaryExpression (BinOp Expression)? WhenExpression?
class Expression inherits from ASTBase
Parent objects may call transform_when_statement
to grab the rightmost tail conditional and claim it as their own. For example, in x = y + 1 when y < 2
, normally the WhenExpression
would associate with y + 1
, compiling to something like x = (y < 2) ? y + 1 : void 0;
when in reality we want if (y < 2) x = y + 1;
. This method allows parent objects, in this case the AssignmentStatement
to grab child conditionals by recursing down the tree.
method transform_when_statement()
if me.conditional exists but me.conditional.false_expr doesnt exist
rv = me.conditional
me.conditional = null
return rv
else if me.right instanceof Expression
return me.right.transform_when_statement()
return null
method parse()
me.left = me.req UnaryExpression
We flag the left
as not eligable to be an l-value since it is not being assigned to.
me.left.can_be_lvalue = no
s define a function and we don't want to allow things like:
function x()
return 2
+ 3
so we don't check for a BinOp
or right value in these cases.
return if me.left.base instanceof FunctionExpression
Try to parse this as a binary expression.
me.op = me.opt BinOp
If it is binary, get the right side.
me.right = me.req Expression when me.op exists
Don't parse tail conditionals after dedents. This typically is from an ImplicitMapExpression
followed by an if
statement (see gh-72).
me.conditional = me.opt WhenExpression unless me.ts.peek(-1).type is 'DEDENT'
For constant folding, this method returns the numeric value if this is a unary expression with a number constant. Otherwise, it returns null. Only used by the generator for pause for
statements at this time.
method number_constant()
if me.op exists or me.conditional exists
return null
return me.left.number_constant()
UnaryExpression: (('bitwise' 'not')|'not'|'new'|'-'|'typeof')? ParenExpression|ListExpression|MapExpression|FunctionExpression|ImplicitMapExpression|NumberConstant|StringConstant|RegexConstant|'IDENTIFIER' IndexExpression|FunctionCall|PropertyAccess|ExisentialCheck
is a container class for the different types of unary expressions supported by the language. It handles the unary prefix operators not
, bitwise not
, new
, typeof
and unary -
. This class also handles unary suffix operators such as array/object indexing, funcation calls, property accessors, and existence checks.
class UnaryExpression inherits from ASTBase
This method is used to check if an expression is an l-value when used in assignments.
method is_lvalue()
The can_be_lvalue
flag must be set by the parent node for this check to pass. Things like assignments will set this flag, whereas binary expressions will not.
return no if me.can_be_lvalue is false
Constants can't be l-values
return no if me.base.constructor in [NumberConstant, StringConstant, RegexConstant]
We only check if the base is a valid r-value if it has no property accessors. In other words, we allow things like me.a = 1
but not me = 1
if me.accessors.length > 0
return no if (me.base.value in KEYWORDS) but not (me.base.value in RVALUE_OK)
return no if me.base.value in KEYWORDS
Function call results are not assignable (f() = 2
for example).
for accessor in me.accessors
if (accessor instanceof FunctionCall)
return no
Otherwise, this is a good l-value.
return yes
method parse()
me.bitwise = me.opt_val 'bitwise'
me.preop = me.opt_val 'not', 'new', '-', 'typeof'
if me.bitwise and me.preop?.value isnt 'not'
me.error "expected 'not' after 'bitwise' for a unary expression"
me.base = me.req ParenExpression, ListExpression, MapExpression, FunctionExpression, ImplicitMapExpression, NumberConstant, StringConstant, RegexConstant, 'IDENTIFIER'
Next we check for suffix operators (accessors), including property access but also function calls, array/object indexing, and exisentials.
If a paren expression occurs immediately after the function block dedent, this would normally be interpreted as a function call on the function expression. While this may be desired it is usually just confusing, so we explicitly avoid it here. By not checking for FunctionCall
s on the first accessor.
if (me.base instanceof FunctionExpression)
me.accessors = []
first = me.opt IndexExpression, PropertyAccess, ExisentialCheck
if first exists
me.accessors = me.accessors.concat(me.opt_multi IndexExpression, FunctionCall, PropertyAccess, ExisentialCheck)
me.accessors = me.opt_multi IndexExpression, FunctionCall, PropertyAccess, ExisentialCheck
Check for keyword use as an identifier.
if me.base.value exists and (me.base.value in KEYWORDS) but not (me.base.value in RVALUE_OK)
me.error "'#{me.base.value}' is a reserved word and can't be used as a name"
For constant folding, return a numeric value if possible, otherwise null
. This is used by the pause for
generator code.
method number_constant()
if me.bitwise exists or me.preop exists
return null
else if me.base instanceof NumberConstant
n = Number(me.base.token.text)
return null when isNaN(n) otherwise n
return null
`ExisentialCheck: ‘exists’|(‘doesnt’ ‘exist’)|‘?’
This operator indicates a variable's existence (non-nullness and/or variable is defined) should be checked.
class ExisentialCheck inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
op = me.req_val 'exists', '?', 'doesnt'
if op.value is 'doesnt'
me.req_val 'exist'
me.invert = yes
me.invert = no
WhenExpression: 'when'|'if'|'unless'|('except' 'when') Expression ('otherwise'|'else' Expression)?
This node can either be used as a ternary operator (2 if a otherwise 3
) or a tail conditional (x = 5 if a
). Expression
objects use the transform_when_statement
method to pull these nodes to the top level of a statement (see the definition of transform_when_statement
class WhenExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.specifier = me.req_val 'when', 'except', 'if', 'unless'
me.req_val('when') if me.specifier.value is 'except'
me.condition = me.req(Expression)
me.false_expr = me.req(Expression) if me.opt_val 'otherwise', 'else'
NumberConstant: NUMBER
A numeric token constant. Can be anything the lexer supports, including scientific notation, integers, floating point, or hex.
class NumberConstant inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.token = me.req 'NUMBER'
StringConstant: STRING
A string token constant. Can be anything the lexer supports, including single or double-quoted strings. Note that the sugar
module handles double-quoted strings with embedded code by turning it into multiple STRING
tokens, so we don't have to do anything special here.
class StringConstant inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.token = me.req 'STRING'
class RegexConstant inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.token = me.req 'REGEX'
IndexExpression: '?'? '[' Expression ']'
Array or object property access. This can be prepended by an exisential check, meaning only attempt access if the underlying object is defined. For example, a?[2]
won't fail if a
is null
or not declared, instead it returns undefined
class IndexExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
op = me.req_val '[', '?'
me.exisential = (op.value is '?')
me.req_val('[') if me.exisential
me.expr = me.req Expression
me.req_val ']'
PropertyAccess: '?'? '.' IDENTIFIER
Object property access. This can be prepended by an exisential check, meaning only attempt access if the underlying object is defined. For example, a?.prop
won't fail if a
is null
or not declared, instead it returns undefined
class PropertyAccess inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
op = me.req_val '.', '?'
me.exisential = (op.value is '?')
me.req_val('.') if me.exisential
me.expr = me.req 'IDENTIFIER'
FunctionCall: '?'? '(' FunctionCallArgument* ')'
Indicates a function call on the preceeding object. This can be prepended by an exisential check, meaning only attempt access if the underlying object is defined. For example, a?()
won't fail if a
is null
or not declared, instead it returns undefined
. It will fail if a
is not a function, though this can't be determined at compile time.
class FunctionCall inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
op = me.req_val '(', '?'
me.exisential = (op.value is '?')
me.req_val('(') if me.exisential
me.arguments = me.opt_multi FunctionCallArgument
me.req_val ')'
FunctionCallArgument: (Expression ',')* Expression (?=')')
A single argument to a function call, followed by a comma or close-paren. If it is followed by a close-paren, that token will not be captured.
class FunctionCallArgument inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.val = me.req Expression
if me.req_val(',',')').value is ')'
class ParenExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val '('
me.expr = me.req Expression
me.req_val ')'
ListExpression: '[' ObjectComprehension|ListComprehension|((Expression ',')* Expression)? ']'
An array definition, such as [1,2,3]
. Multiline list definitions are handled by the sugar
module. This also supports comprehensions inside the definition.
class ListExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val '['
me.comprehension = me.opt ObjectComprehension, ListComprehension
if me.comprehension doesnt exist
me.items = []
item = me.opt Expression
while item
if me.opt_val(',')
item = me.opt Expression
item = null
me.req_val ']'
ListComprehension: Expression 'for' Variable 'in' Expression
List comprehensions allow list generation by applying an expression to each member in another list. For example [a+1 for a in [1,2,3]]
would yield [2,3,4]
class ListComprehension inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.iter_expr = me.req Expression
me.req_val 'for'
me.iterant = me.req Variable
me.req_val 'in'
me.iterable = me.req Expression
ObjectComprehension: Expression 'for' ('property' Variable)|('property' 'value' Variable)|('property' Variable 'with' 'value' Variable) 'in' Expression
Object comprehensions allow list generation by applying an expression to each member in an object. It comes in three forms:
[x for property x of obj]
- returns all the keys (properties) of obj
as a list.
[x for property value x of obj]
- returns all the values (property values) of obj
as a list.
[[w,x for property w with value x of obj]
- returns all the keys (properties) and values (property values) of obj
as a list of list tuples.
class ObjectComprehension inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.iter_expr = me.req Expression
me.req_val 'for'
me.req_val 'property'
if me.opt_val 'value'
me.value_iterant = me.req Variable
me.property_iterant = me.req Variable
if me.opt_val 'with'
me.req_val 'value'
me.value_iterant = me.req Variable
me.req_val 'in'
me.iterable = me.req Expression
MapExpression: '{' MapItem* '}'
Defines an object with a list of key value pairs. This is a JavaScript-style definition. Multiline definitions are supported to some extent by the sugar
module which removes the newlines and indents:
x = {a:1,b:2,c:{d:1}}
class MapExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val '{'
me.items = me.opt_multi MapItem
me.req_val '}'
ImplicitMapExpression: NEWLINE INDENT ImplicitMapItem* DEDENT
Defines an object with a list of key value pairs. This is a CoffeeScript-style definition:
x =
a: 1
b: 2
class ImplicitMapExpression inherits from MapExpression
method parse()
me.req 'NEWLINE'
me.req 'INDENT'
me.items = me.req_multi ImplicitMapItem
me.req 'DEDENT'
MapItem: IDENTIFIER|STRING|NUMBER ':' Expression ','|(?='}')
A single definition in a MapExpression
of a property/value pair. It also tries to consume a comma if one is available and fails if it is not followed by a comma or }
class MapItem inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.key = me.req 'IDENTIFIER', 'STRING', 'NUMBER'
me.req_val ':'
me.val = me.req Expression
me.end_token = me.req_val ',', '}'
if me.end_token.value is '}'
ImplicitMapItem: IDENTIFIER|STRING|NUMBER ':' Expression ','|(?='}')
A single definition in a ImplicitMapExpression
of a property/value pair.
class ImplicitMapItem inherits from MapItem
method parse()
me.key = me.req 'IDENTIFIER', 'STRING', 'NUMBER'
me.req_val ':'
me.val = me.req Expression
It requires either a NEWLINE
or comma unless the value expression is another ImplicitMapExpression
or a function definition, since these consume the newline for us.
unless me.val.left?.base instanceof ImplicitMapExpression or me.val.left?.base instanceof FunctionExpression
me.end_token = me.opt_multi 'NEWLINE'
me.end_token = me.req_val ',' when me.end_token.length is 0
FunctionExpression: 'function'|'method'|'task' Variable? '(' FunctionDefArgument* ')' ('of' UnaryExpression)? Block
Defines a function, method, or task. The of
suffix allows us to late-bind this function to another class.
class FunctionExpression inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.specifier = me.req_val 'function', 'method', 'task'
me.lock() = me.opt Variable
me.req_val '('
me.arguments = me.opt_multi FunctionDefArgument
me.req_val ')'
me.late_bind = me.opt_val 'of'
if me.late_bind
me.bind_to = me.req UnaryExpression
me.block = me.req Block
FunctionDefArgument: Variable ('=' Expression)? ','|(?=')')
class FunctionDefArgument inherits from ASTBase
method parse() = me.req Variable
if me.opt_val '='
me.default = me.req Expression
Require either a comma or ‘)’, but unsee a ‘)’ since the FunctionExpression
needs it.
if me.req_val(',',')').value is ')'
ClassDefinition: class Variable ('inherits' 'from' Variable)? Block
Defines a new class with an optional parent class. Methods and members go inside the block.
class ClassDefinition inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'class'
me.lock() = me.req Variable
if me.opt_val('inherits')
me.req_val 'from'
me.parent = me.req Variable
me.block = me.req Block
TryCatch: 'try' Block ('catch' Variable? Block)?
Defines a try
and catch
block for trapping exceptions and handling them. finally
is not supported at this time. The catch
block and error variable are optional.
class TryCatch inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'try'
me.try_block = me.req Block
if me.opt_val('catch')
me.identifier = me.opt Variable
me.catch_block = me.req Block
SuperStatement: 'super' FunctionCall?
Within a method, calls the parent class's version of that method. Unlike most function calls, the ()
s are optional even when there are no arguments.
class SuperStatement inherits from ASTBase
method parse()
me.req_val 'super'
me.accessor = me.opt FunctionCall
A list of nodes to export. For now, this is the cleanest way to do this in Kal. Perhaps an export
keyword in the future will make this neater.
Nodes = [ASTBase, File, Block, Statement, ThrowStatement, ReturnStatement, IfStatement,
ElseStatement, WhileStatement, ForStatement, AssignmentStatement,
ExpressionStatement, LoopControlStatement, BlankStatement, BinOp, Expression,
UnaryExpression, ExisentialCheck, WhenExpression, NumberConstant, StringConstant,
RegexConstant, IndexExpression, PropertyAccess, FunctionCallArgument,
FunctionCall, ParenExpression, ListExpression, ListComprehension,
ObjectComprehension, MapItem, MapExpression, ImplicitMapItem,
ImplicitMapExpression, FunctionDefArgument, FunctionExpression,
ClassDefinition, TryCatch, SuperStatement, BlockWithoutIndent,
SimpleWaitForStatement, WaitForStatement, PauseForStatement,
MultipleReturnValues, RunInParallelBlock, WaitForExpression, Variable]
exports.Grammar = {}
for v in Nodes
exports.Grammar[] = v
exports.GrammarRoot = exports.Grammar.File